DFX-6 Series Digital Flaw Detectors
DFX-6 series ultrasonic flaw detectors are full featured digital instruments designed to handle the simplest to the most difficult applications. Whether the application requires high penetration for materials that are difficult to measure, or high resolution for precision aerospace parts, the DFX series flaw detectors are equipped with the necessary features to do the job.
Physical Size: 9.25 x 7.13 x 4.0 in (235 x 181 x 102mm) Weight: 7.5lbs. (3,4Kgs) with Li-Ion cells. Case: Extruded Aluminum. Display: Transflective TFT Color. Display area: 4.39” x 3.29” (111.4 x 83.5mm) 320 x 240 pixels. A-Scan area: 255 x 200 pixels (315 x 200 expanded), 8 color options and variable brightness. Temperature: Operating –10 to +55°C or 14 to 131°F –20 to +70°C or –4 to 158°F (survivable) Storage –40 to +75°C or –40 to 167°F
Environmental: Meets IP65 requirements.
Units: English (inch), Metric (mm), or Time (µs).
Probe Zero: 0–999.999 µs.
Velocity: 615 & 625 0.0393 to 0.3937 in/µs (1000–9999m/s).
635 & 638 0.0100 in/µs (256 to 16000 m/s.
Test Range: 615 & 625 0 – 0.2in (5mm) up to 0 – 400in (10,000mm) at steel velocity. Variable in sequence, 0.4in or 0.04in (10mm or 1mm).
635 & 638 0 – 0.05in (1mm) up to 0 – 800in (20,000mm) at steel velocity. Variable in 1, 2, 5 sequence or continuously in 0.05in (1mm) increments. Also from 1 to 5000(µs).
Test Modes: Pulse-echo and transmit/receive.
Gates: 615 & 625 Start & Width adjustable over full range. Amplitude 0 -100%, 0.5% steps. Visual & audible alarms. Single gate positive trigger, and two gates positive and negative triggering. Gate 2 has selectable 0.6 second delay on alarm.
635 & 638 Two fully independent gates with positive and negative triggering for each gate.
Gate Expansion: 635 & 638 Expands range to width of Gate 1.
Gate Monitor Delay: 635 & 638 Selectable 0.6 sec delay on gate 2 negative monitor.
Measurement Modes:
Signal Monitor – 635 & 638
- Transflective Color TFT Display
- Broad & Narrow Band Amplifier
- Square Wave Pulser (Active Edge)
- Extruded Aluminium Case (IP65)
- Digital Thickness Display
- Automatic Calibration
- PC/Video/Analog Outputs
- Long Battery Life (Li-ion pack)
- Large Memory Capacity
- Curved Surface Correction
- Alphanumeric Notes
- Trig function
- Help feature
Standard Kit Includes the NDT-715 Gauge with alkaline batteries, 1/4″ element diameter x 5.0 MHz Transducer on 4 foot long integral cable, 4 oz. bottle of ultrasonic gel Couplant, Operation Manual and padded nylon Carry Bag with shoulder strap. Optional foam lined plastic case.