DFX-8 Series Flaw Detector
Having a DFX-8 Flaw Detector & Thickness Gauge equals two on the job!
Flaw Detector
- Sizing Toolkits: DAC, AWS, TCG, DGS.
- Exceptional visibility in sunlight (Blanview) transmissive color QVGA display (320×240 pixels).
- P.R.F. – 8 Hz to 2kHz, adjustable.
- Screen Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
- Detection: Z-Cross, Flank & Peak.
Thickness Gauge
- Automatic: probe zero, probe recognition, and Temperature compensation.
- Measurement: Variety of modes to address a number of applications.
- Large data storage with multiple formats: Alpha numeric grid and sequential w/auto identifier.
- Li-lon pack up to 18 hrs, emergency backup 6 AA cells up to 12 hrs.
- Windows PC interface software included.
- 2 Year Warranty
For more information about features and specifications, click here.
Dakota Ultrasonic releases “+” addition to the DFX-8 flaw detector series.
The new release provides the following additional features:
High Voltage Tone Burst Pulser – 400 volts electrically…but 8 dB more output than a basic square wave pulser at the same voltage, as it’s tuned to the resonant frequency of the transducer.
- Wave Averaging – Improved clarity of the waveform resolution, very useful when zoomed in on small ranges.
- Remote Commander – System integration. Control the DFX-8+ from your PC.
- Additional Narrow Band Filters – 0.5 & 15 MHz.
- Auto Interface Gate (immersion testing) – Automatic gating for tracking changes in the water path distance.